Stability Chaos and Periodic Solution of Delayed Rational Recursive Sequence

Abdul Khaliq, Mubeen Alam, Sk. Sarif Hassan


In this paper, we will investigate a non-linear rational difference equation of higher order. Our concentration is on invariant intervals, periodic character, the character of semi cycles and global asymptotic stability of all positive solutions of

sn+1=Asn+Bsn−l+(α+βsn−k)/(A0+B0sn−k), n=0,1,...

where the parameters A, B, α, β and A0, B0 and the initial conditions s−r, s−r+1, s−r+2, ..., s0 are arbitrary positive real numbers, r=max{l,k}. Finally, we study the global stability of this equation through numerically solved examples and confirm our theoretical discussion through it.

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Pan-Amer. J. Math. 1 (2022), 15
This article was published on October 11, 2022 by Mathyze, under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.